Thursday, November 25, 2010

Just had to get this out

It’s hit me!

Our generation, the X one – I think I finally understand ‘us’ and you know who we have to blame for a lot of our hang ups? 80s TV.

Let me explain. You watch any episode of the A Team, Murder She Wrote, Riptide, 21 Jump Street, LA Law, Airwolf or Highway to Heaven and you will see a formula that is so etched into our brains that we simply cannot fathom a life not lived this way

It’s this;

• Nice person has problem seeks assistance from Bad People
• Bad people do bad things to nice person,
• Nice person gets caught up in situation beyond their control
• Someone of note/maturity/authority steps in,
• Bad people laugh in their face
• Someone of note/maturity/authority catches them red handed or in a clever court room battle
• Nice person is vindicated
• They all live happily ever after except for bad person who reaps the consequences of their poor choices.

It’s so simple yet how often in real life do you see the bad people actually reap the consequences of their poor decisions? It could be because we’re not sure what someone ‘reaping’ something looks like or it could be that these days bad people get away with bad things!

The 80s TV syndrome, yes I’m calling it a syndrome now, became apparent to me over time because I found myself stewing on things long after events had taken place, reliving agonising moments of unfairness, pounding my fists on the table lamenting the injustice of it all. I’ve outlined the key protagonists that have affected me over the years in the hopes maybe this will help others come to terms with it all.

Bad drivers – they belong in the same category as bad people as far as I’m concerned. I want the option to pull someone over and explain to them why I beeped my horn and how the fact they stuck their finger up at me did not allow me to have closure. How often have you wished that you had a big screen on the roof of your car so you could type out your thoughts about their bad driving. That way Mr Bad Driver can read it and then humbly nod his head or give a wave when he realises the error of his bad driving ways? Or is that just me?

Rude fellow customers – yet again bad people. Why is it that rude fellow customer gets served first? Can’t the people behind the counter tell that they’re pushing in? I just want someone once to say ‘No, you’re a rude fellow customer, you just moved that persons trolley to get in front of them’ and wouldn’t it be nice if rude fellow customer acknowledged this with profuse apologies, then we could all have a communal laugh later as old friends in the 12 items or less line.

Old people - Now I don’t really wish to castigate an entire generation, but seriously, you guys think you invented good manners then why the hell don’t you ever use them? I want to explain to you that not saying thank you to someone or knocking into someone with your electric wheelchair or snatching is just plain rude. Do you just need reminding? Is it because your brain is old? Either way I want an apology.

There’s just no social justice in the world and I have been very definitely brainwashed by Michael Landon (love your guts) to expect it, nay require it to get on with my life without feeling disillusioned and disappointed all the time.

So buck up peoples - I want those who fake workers compensation claims to acknowledge the error of their ways, I want Pizza companies that trick you with promises of really cheap pizza but don’t note in big font the minimum purchase to publicly acknowledge their swindling ways. I really really want Telstra to consider a repentance and atonement department....... did I take it too far?

Anyway I have to scarper – gotta go apologise to the guy next door for the years of flicking the dog poos over the fence – hey you’ve got to live it to truly believe it, right?



  1. SHUT. UP.

    I have TOTALLY thought about holding up a sign to bad drivers (although I call them 'cockheads'). Mostly, one that says, "It's a 40 zone. Get off my arse!" The speed limit is not optional people!

  2. Old people who are rude - yep! Very little shits me more than those hypocrites who expect to be treated decently (rightfully so) but then don't bother to reciprocate... next!

  3. You must be hanging out with a bad class of old people. The old people with whom I come in contact? Are lovely and courteous.

    Seriously. Mark and I are lovely.


    I so get what you mean about wanting a fair and happy and just ending to all conflicts.

    Although . . . as the mother of two daughters who are obsessed with fairness? I will tell you what I always tell them.

    Life is not TV. Life is not a comic book. Life is not fair.

    Choose a cookie and give the other one to your sister.

    And hush.
