Wednesday, December 26, 2012


So 2012 draws to a close, I have much to prepare – various news years resolutions to make and also a shitload of previous new years resolutions to make good on because I thought the world was ending and I wouldn’t answerable to any of the rubbish I wrote last year

Each year I  make a list of things I want to do better or thoughts of making myself a better person, I think I may have mentioned them here before in a kind of ‘don’t really hold me accountable’ way

Looks like I’m going to say the same thing again, make a list of well-intentioned determinations that will be all but forgotten by Easter because I’ll be promising something else just to receive chocolate.

No no no no non (that last one is French, cause I’m all classy and shit)

This year they will not be selfish proclamations and declarations about my weight and constant quest for outer beauty (that seems to elude me each year like a bastard), but a determined purpose to make a real difference and these ‘differences’ shall fall into categories;

1)      Pay it forward;  whether it be to ensure that an arbitrary individual receives the hug they so richly deserve or perhaps giving a beat down to  those fucking arsehats that really believe you can just round the corner at the lights and change lanes at the same time without indicating….. mother fffuuuuucc




2)      Random acts of kindness; quite seriously this is an important one that I wish to embody in its entirety.  I want to randomly make people happy for no particular reason.  However I have horrid visions of handing off a bottle of wine to someone, wishing to congratulate them for being ace,  only to ignite their raging alcoholism and thus thrusting them into a downward spiral of negativity and self-flagellation.  But really, once you give a gift can you really determine how it’s utilised…. Surely not? It would be my mistake, move on.  I might keep it to the mundane by paying off peoples parking tickets instead…. Just in case.


3)      Give of yourself; I’m going to give it all over the place man…. in a charitable way, I’m going to give for those that run for cancer, walk for diabetes, grow horrifying facial hair for mens health, drink wine for dipsomaniacs awareness, eat for anorexics anonymous, drink fake  blood for those with an intolerable obsession for Vampires because they think True Blood is a documentary – whatevs – I’m all about the charitable, everyone has a cause, I don’t judge, just make sure that anything over $2 is tax deductable.


4)      Make time for what you love.  Well that’s easy, I love Savignon Blanc (cats piss according to my friend….. I’m ok with that) Pinot Grigio, Gewurztraminer and a jaunty Chardonnay that isn’t of the ‘house’ variety – we have many days to spend together, many stories to share.


Thank you for reading throughout 2012, I was pretty sure the world was going to end on some random date in December, but now that I know it’s not for a while yet I will be spending my time writing enlightening posts about personal revelations that may have a bit to do with the aforementioned wine.


Happy new year to my tens of readers – may you find your happiness in 2013 if you have not already

ps: seriously though, they are some ace resolutions,  Pay it forward, Random acts of kindess, Give of yourself and Make time for what you love.  PRGM  - if you take nothing from these blogs - take that - PRGM.  It's catchy.

1 comment:

  1. I like your resolutions! I'm not very good at making resolutions, nor sticking to them, so I rarely even bother now. However, something I'd like to make more of an effort with is respecting myself - go easier on myself with my own judgement and so on. Does that make sense?

    Anyhow, Happy New Year! Hope it's an awesome one for you, because you deserve it. x
